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Hateful Eight
Jim Jones at Botany Bay
Oh Glisten for a moment lads and Amihear me tell my Emitale
How Co'er the sea from GEngland's shore I Amiwas compelled to Emisail
The Cjury says he Gguilty sir and the Amihanging judge says Emihe
For Amilife Jim Jones I'm Emisending you Amiacross the stormy Emisea
And Gtake my tip before you ship to Amijoin the iron Emigang
Don't Cbe too gay at GBotany Bay or Amielse you'll surely Emihang
Or Celse you'll surely Ghang he says and Amiafter that Jim EmiJones
It's Amihigh upon the Emigallows tree the Amicrows will pick your Emibones
You'll Ghave no chance for mischief there Amiremember what I Emisay
They'll Cflog the poaching Gout of you out Amithere at Botany EmiBay
The Cwaves were high Gupon the sea the Amiwind blew up in Emigales
I'd Amirather have drowned in Emimisery than Amicome to New South EmiWales
The Gwinds blew high upon the sea and the Amipirates came Emialong
But the Csoldiers on our Gconvict ship were Amifull five hundred Emistrong
They Copened fire and Gsomehow drove that Amipirate ship Emiaway
I'd Amirather joined that Emipirate ship than Amicome to Botany EmiBay
For Gnight and day the irons clang and Amilike poor galley Emislaves
We Ctoil and toil and Gwhen we die must Amifill dishonored Emigraves
But Cbye and bye I'll Gbreak my chains inAmito the bush I'll Emigo
And Amijoin the bold bushEmirangers there Jack AmiDonahoo and EmiCo
And Gsome dark night when everything is Amisilent in this Emitown
I'll Ckill the tyrants Gone by one and Amishoot the floggers Emidown
I'll Cgive the law a Glittle shock reAmimember what I Emisay
They'll Amiyet regret they Emisent Jim Jones in Amichains to Botany EmiBay